Staff Program: EM Office Hours
Emergency Management Office Hours
Each session focuses on a different emergency management topic and includes a breakout session for participants to discuss related thoughts and strategies with others in their region. Participants will submit attendance at the end of the session to receive CEs.
Staff Program: EM Tabletop Exercises & AAR
Emergency Management Tabletop Exercises & AAR
The Emergency Management (EM) Tabletop Exercise is a monthly event held on the last Tuesday of each month. Each session focuses on a different emergency management topic. If you're interested in an After Action Report, you can schedule a session in advance following the EM Tabletops. You must have attended 3 tabletop sessions before completing an AAR request.
Staff Program: EM Resources
EM Resources
LTC RISE 3.0 Emergency Management Offerings Guide is a comprehensive educational resource provided by HAPevolve. It includes 9 main video modules covering each aspect of the emergency management cycle, along with over 10 additional in-depth modules on hazard plans and tools like hazard vulnerability assessments.
Facility Program: PREP
The Portable Response Emergency Plan (PREP) is a web-based mobile app designed for health care organizations to host their emergency operations plans and facility-specific files.
2024 South Central LTC RISE Partners