QAPI Education Program

What is the ECRI Quality Improvement Program?
The ECRI QI Program offers personalized guidance to aging service organizations. It assists with quality improvement projects by providing onsite visits, virtual meetings, consultations, and educational sessions. The goal is to enhance patient care, safety, and efficiency.

How long does QAPI Education take? 
The ECRI Team will work with you to develop a Performance Improvement Plan using a continuous quality improvement approach. Their vetted tools, evidence-based practices, and educational content tailored to each facility’s unique needs.

What Quality Improvement Project have other facilities done?
ECRI has worked with long-term care facilities in the RISE region on Fall Prevention, Alarm Reduction, Medication Safety, Bowel and Bladder Programs, Pressure Injury Prevention Programs

What is the cost?
Nothing! ECRI's consultation services for Quality Improvement Education are covered by the LTC RISE grant funds. 

Brought to you by our Partners at ECRI:

ECRI is an independent, nonprofit organization improving the safety, quality, and cost-effectiveness of care across all healthcare settings. With a focus on patient safety, evidence-based medicine, and technology decision support, ECRI is the trusted expert for healthcare leaders and agencies worldwide. The Institute for Safe Medication Practices is an ECRI affiliate.


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